GERMAN 495 A: Proseminar in German Literature

Autumn 2023
MWF 10:30am - 11:20am / DEN 256
Section Type:
Syllabus Description (from Canvas):

Politics and the Psyche:

Modern Austrian Literature and Culture



This course introduces students to modern Austrian literature and culture, from Viennese Modernism around 1900 to transcultural writing in the present. It is organized around a number of engaging writers, texts, and themes. Multilingualism, language criticism, memory politics and other significant topics will be addressed. Literary texts are in German; class discussion will be conducted in German and English. Readings include prose and poetry by a diverse group of engaging writers, past and present: Ingeborg Bachmann, Elfriede Gerstl, Joseph Roth, Arthur Schnitzler, Veza Canetti, Ruth Klüger,  Eva Menasse, Stefan Zweig, Elias Canetti, Tonio Schachinger, Faika El-Nagashi and Mireille Ngosso. Recommended level of preparation: German 301, 302 or 303. Required: German 203 or equivalent. Course grade is based on class work, reading journals, a team project, a midterm, and a final exam essay.



Catalog Description:
Special topics, the subject matter and depth of which are not included in other literature courses, arranged through consultation among students and faculty members.
GE Requirements Met:
Arts and Humanities (A&H)
Last updated:
March 13, 2025 - 10:56 am