
Author/Title Research Type Related Fields
Groves, Jason. "Low Tide, Black Shoals: Toward Offshore Formations in Celan Studies." The Germanic Review: Literature, Culture, Theory 98.4 (2023): 447-461. Publications, Articles
Lozinski-Veach, Natalie, and Jason Groves. "Reading Celan Today." The Germanic Review: Literature, Culture, Theory. 98.4 (2023): 355-359. Publications, Articles
Ellwood Wiggins, "The Tragic Idealism of Double Consciousness: W.E.B. Du Bois's Souls of Black Folk and Friedrich Schiller's Naive and Sentimental Poetry," Monatshefte 115/3 (2023): 344-64. Publications, Articles
German Quarterly 96.2 (2023): Premodern German Studies. Ed. by CJ Jones and Annegret Oehme. Publications, Books
Ellwood Wiggins, “The Latent Radicalism of Aristotle and J.M.R. Lenz,” German Life and Letters, 76.1 (2023): 150-172. Publications, Articles
Ellwood Wiggins and Martin Wagner. “Radical and Moderate Sturm und Drang.” Introduction to Special Issue of German Life and Letters, 76.1 (2023): 1-20. Publications, Articles
Balling, J. Rafael. “Between Times: The Case of Yiddish Transness.” Dibur 12-13. (Spring, 2021-Fall, 2022): 155-166. Publications
Ellwood Wiggins, "Stage of Exception: Politics and Theater in Shakespeare's Troilus and Cressida,Early Modern Literary Studies 22:2 (2022). [] Publications, Essays
Birthe Hoffmann, Brigitte Prutti; Franz Grillparzer, Neue Lektüren und Perspektiven; A. Francke Verlag, 2022 Publications, Books, Essays
Annegret Oehme, "The Knight without Boundaries: Yiddish and German Arthurian Wigalois Adaptations", Explorations in Medieval Culture, Volume: 17, Brill, 2021 Publications, Books
Block, Richard. "Mourning Becomes Electric: The Disappearing Act of AIDS." CR: The New Centennial Review, vol. 21 no. 2, 2021, p. 55-82.  Publications, Essays
Prutti, Brigitte: Franz Grillparzer: Porträts des Dichters als alter Mann - AISTHESIS VERLAG  Publications, Books
Brigitte Prutti. „#MeToo: Don Cäsar und Lukrezia. Kollateralschäden in Grillparzers Bruderzwist in Habsburg.“ In: Philologie im Netz 90 (2020), pp. 35-86. Publications, Essays
Terrasi, S. Kye and Andre Schütze.  "EIne Psychogeographie des Verlustes: Wien in Heimito von Doderers Roman Die Strudlhofstiege."  Brigitte Prutti.  Guest editor/Editorial of literatur für leser 17: 3. Themed volume on Literarisches Wien/Literary Vienna. Publications, Books, Essays
Brigitte Prutti.  „Misanthropie und Monotonie. Zur Einsamkeit im Alter bei Stifter und Grillparzer. In: Einsamkeit und Pilgerschaft. Figurationen und Inszenierungen in der Romantik. Eds. Antje Arnold, Walter Pape and Norbert Wichard. Berlin: de Gruyter,  235-256. Publications, Books, Essays
Brigitte Prutti.  Autorschaft und Interieur: Garp und wie er Grillparzer sah.“ In: Jahrbuch der Grillparzer-Gesellschaft 27 (2017-2018): 150-181. Publications, Essays
Richard O. Block, Echoes of a Queer Messianic: From Frankenstein to Brokeback Mountain. SUNY Series, Literature ... In Theory: SUNY PRESS, 2018. Publications, Books
Wiggins, Ellwood. "The Moral Aesthetic of the Scream: Sophocles' Philoctetes and the Hidden Structure of Lessing's Laokoon.Lessing Yearbook 51 (2024): 51-71. Publications, Articles
Childs, Matthew. "Goethe's Faust and Sorge in the Age of Imperialism and Colonialism." Goethe Yearbook 31, edited by Sarah Vandegrifft Eldridge et al, Boydell & Brewer, 2024, pp. 151–58. Publications, Articles
Brigitte Prutti, Guest Editor, literatur für leser:innen, Peter Lang Verlag, JG. 42, H. 2 – Themenheft „Gegenwartsautor:innen“,  Mit Beiträgen von Karin Bauer, Simone Pfleger, Julia K. Gruber, Olivia Albiero, Heidi Schlipphack, 2022.  Publications, Essays
Ammerlahn, Hellmut. Imagination & Meisterschaft / Mastery. Neue und frühere Goethe-Studien plus Essays on Goethe written in English. KÖNIGSHAUSEN & NEUMANN. 2021. Publications, Books, Essays
Wiggins, Ellwood. "The Transatlantic Origins of Double Consciousness: W.E.B. Du Bois in Germany." Transatlantic Literary History (blog). WWU Münster. October 14, 2021.  Publications, Essays
Bradley, Hannah. 2021. "Rumors of Nature: An Ecotranslation of Ulrike Almut Sandig’s “so habe ich sagen gehört”" Humanities 10, no. 1: 14. Publications
No Nostalgia: AIDS Remains. (Introduction) with Kathleen Chapman and Mia Du Plessis. Also as editors, AIDS Remains.  Special issue for New Centennial Review Publications, Essays
Mourning Becomes Electric: AIDS Disappearing Act, New Centennial Review, forthcoming Publications, Essays