Avant is happy to be working with you to deliver our web-based language proficiency test remotely. You are responsible for ensuring the readiness of the computer you will be using for the test and that the following requirements are met, with the support of the school/organization that is sponsoring the test.
Follow the steps below to ensure proper setup for computer settings.
Step 1: Review AVANT's Remote Technology Requirements
This guide provides technical information for computers and networks to help you prepare for using Avants assessments. Review the Remote Testing Technology Guide here:
Step 2: Review AVANTs Remote Test Taker Guide
These guides provide information and instructions specific to the assessment to help you prepare for taking the actual test or a sample test. Review the specific Remote Test Taker Guide for the test you will be taking here:
STAMP 4S: https://avantassessment.com/remote-testing/stamp-4s-remote-test-taker-guide
WorldSpeak: https://avantassessment.com/remote-testing/worldspeak-remote-test-taker-guide
PLACE: https://avantassessment.com/remote-testing/place-remote-proctored-test-taker-guide
Step 3: Complete a Sample Test
This is a quick and easy way to verify your technology is properly configured. Avant Sample Tests use the same technologies as the actual test so you will experience any technical issues in the Sample Test before registering for the actual test. Please make sure you can record your voice and listen back to your recording. If no button to listen back to your recording appears this means no recording was captured:
After completing the technology preparation, you can follow the steps below to register, schedule, and take your test. If you ran into issues inside the Sample Test, its best to resolve those issues before registering for the actual test.
Step 1: Register for your Remote Proctored Test
Use this link to register for your remote proctored test: https://avantassessment.ecwid.com/#!/German-Placement-Test/p/249682003/category=50023058
Step 2: Follow the Directions in the Confirmation Email to schedule your test
Step 3: Take your test at the scheduled time
Important Requirements
- You will need to have a web camera
- You will need a smart phone either iOS or Android
- You will need speakers and a microphone OR a headset with microphone
- You will need photo ID when scheduling your test and again when you take the test
- This is a timed test.
- Short breaks are not allowed so properly prepare yourself
Avant will be conducting scheduled maintenance on our systems the first Thursday of every month from 9:00-11:00 PM PDT. During this time both testing and reporting will be unavailable. However, our company website and email systems will be fully functional during this window. An alert will be posted on login pages a week prior to the maintenance. Students should avoid scheduling their testing around this time.
If you have any questions or concerns, your school/organization can help answer your questions, and the Avant Support Team is also here to help. Avant Support Team support@avantassessment.com 888-713-7887
The UW is no longer providing testing services for non-University entities or individuals.
During this period of transition, students, faculty and staff can contact the Office of Educational Assessment in Undergraduate Academic Affairs using this email address: testingcenter@uw.edu.