
Author/Title Research Type Related Fields
Carpenter, Aaron. Rajžaliteratur: A Journey Across the Shifting Words of Traumatic Narratives. University of Washington, Ph.D. dissertation. 2024. Print. Graduate, Dissertations
Kristina Pilz. "Writing Across Margins: Contemporary Afro-German Literature." Diss. Graduate, Dissertations
Rachel Herschman. "Kasper's Theater: Avant-Garde and Propaganda Puppetry in Early Twentieth-Century Germany." Diss. Graduate, Dissertations
Jasmin Krakenberg. "Art, Cinema, and the Berlin School." Diss. Graduate, Dissertations
Olivia Albiero. "Moments of Rupture: Narratological Readings of Contemporary German Literature." Diss. Graduate, Dissertations
Seth Berk. "Amazons Abound! German Phantasies of the Amazonian Other." Diss. Graduate, Dissertations
Japhet Johnstone. "Stages of Inversion: Die verkehrte Welt in Nineteenth-Century German Literature." Graduate, Dissertations
Tim Coombs. “Wundgelesenes: The Signature of the Wound in Kafka and Celan.” Diss. Graduate, Dissertations
Sabine Noellgen. “Veränderte Umwelt: Neue Leseweisen im Anthropozän” (“Altered Environments: New Readings in in the Anthropocene”). Diss. Graduate, Dissertations
Nathan Magnusson. "Accommodating the Nation: Hospitality and State-Belonging in Nineteenth-Century German Literature.” Diss. Graduate, Dissertations
Lena Heilmann. “Remodeling the Frauenzimmer: Women and Spatiality in German Literature (1771-1820).” Diss. Graduate, Dissertations
Elisabeth Cnobloch. "Messengers of Ill Tidings: Situating the Speech of Refugees in the Works of Jakob Wassermann, Franz Kafka, Emine Özdamar and Herta Müller" Diss. Graduate, Dissertations
Childs, Matthew. Era of Uncertainty: Catastrophe in Nineteenth-Century German Literature. ProQuest Dissertations, 2024. Graduate, Dissertations
Justin Mohler, "Animals in German Romanticism" (dissertation project)Vanessa Hester, "Invisible Environmental Threats" (dissertation project) Graduate, Dissertations
Eric Scheufler. "Documents, Genealogies, Memories: Literary Models of Historiography in 19th Century German Historical Fiction." Diss., in progress. Graduate, Dissertations
Verena Kick. "Confronting the German Public Sphere – Workers, Soldiers and Women as Counter Publics in Photobooks of Weimar Germany", Diss., in progress Graduate, Dissertations
Kevin Johnson. “Annexation Effects: Cultural Appropriation and the Politics of Place in Czech-German Films, 1930-1945.” Diss. Graduate, Dissertations
Gloria Man. "Writing the Enclave: Topographies of Difference in Contemporary German-language Prose." Diss., in progress. Graduate, Dissertations
Bryan Aja. "Novel Developments: Aspects of the German Bildungsroman as Core Components of Minority Literature." Diss., in progress. Graduate, Dissertations
Jan Hengge. "Pure Violence on the Stage of Exception: Representations of Revolutions in Georg Büchner, Hugo von Hofmannsthal, Heiner Müller, and Elfriede Jelinek." Diss. Graduate, Dissertations