Germanics Alum Sabine Noellgen (PhD 2014) Accepts Visiting Lecturer Position at Cornell University for 2015-16

Submitted by Stephanie N. Welch on

Recent UW graduate Sabine Noellgen (Ph.D. 2014) has accepted a position as Visiting Lecturer at Cornell University for the 2015-16 academic year. Currently an adjunct instructor of German at the University of Puget Sound in Tacoma, Sabine will soon move on to Ithaca, NY, where she will be teaching a second-year German language course with a special focus on conversation and writing, a first-year writing seminar in English, “From Fairy Tales to the Uncanny: Exploring the Romantic Consciousness,” and an upper-level course, entitled “Green Thought In German Culture,” in the fall.

At the Department of Germanics at UW, Sabine worked with Prof. Sabine Wilke for her interdisciplinary dissertation on contemporary German literature and film as seen through a “green” lens, entitled “Veränderte Umwelt: Neue Leseweisen im Anthropozän” (“Altered Environments: New Readings in the Anthropocene”). Joining the Transatlantic Research Network in Environmental Humanities that Sabine Wilke launched in 2011 has been additionally influential for her career.

Currently, Sabine is revising her chapter on Wolfgang Hilbig’s Alte Abdeckerei for Readings in the Anthropocene: The Environmental Humanities, German Studies, and Beyond (Bloomsbury Publishers, anticipated September 2016), and a conference presentation on “Tempi und Modi der ökologischen Krise” in Kathrin Röggla’s prose texts for Literatur und Ökologie. Neue literatur- und kulturwissenschaftliche Perspektiven (Aisthesis-Verlag Bielefeld, anticipated Spring 2016). In addition, Sabine is writing a book review of Alexander Pschera’s Das Internet der Tiere for Tierstudien and is working on an article on Pina Bausch’s 1989 film Die Klage der Kaiserin. She also has begun drafting a new project with the preliminary title Literary Soundscapes: The Sound of Nature in German Literature from 1800 to The Present, inspired by the field of Acoustic Ecology. This project both explores the relationship between human language and natural sound more broadly, and more specifically asks to what degree literary soundscapes give us insights into environmental history, and reflect larger trends in nature thought and philosophy. 

Finally, in the summer Sabine will teach her second block seminar at the Pägagogische Hochschule (University of Education) in Heidelberg, entitled “Literarisches Lernen: Natur und Umwelt in der Kinder- und Jugendliteratur.” Her students in Heidelberg are future primary and secondary school teachers up to tenth grade.

Sabine is very grateful to her former professors at the Department of Germanics for their continuing support of her job search, and very much looks forward to both her assignments in Heidelberg and at Cornell.

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