When Andreas Höll, art journalist with the Mitteldeutscher Rundfunk in Germany and former student of mine at Stanford (1986-87), met Seattle artist Owen Gump at a Leipzig art event, they quickly discovered that they have something in common: both had Sabine as their professor in German classes and seminars, although in different year and places. Owen took German classes at UW and in 2002 applied for a DAAD fellowship to study art at the Kunstakademie Düsseldorf. Sabine wrote the language evaluation and off he was for an 18-month study program in Düsseldorf supported by the DAAD. After that, Owen studied for three more years at the Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst in Leipzeig where he received his diploma. Subsequently, he settled in Cologne for a few years and now lives in Berlin as prize-winning artist. Check out this link about Owen's work and the prize he received recently.
Or listen to the following radio feature on Owen's work by Andreas Höll for the MDR:
Owen's website also has more information on him and many examples of his work. He credits UW Germanics with providing him with an excellent foundation for his artist career in Germany. We love to hear back from our alums and are very proud to learn about their successes.