Recent UW graduate Sabine Noellgen (Ph.D. 2014) has accepted the position of Visiting Assistant Professor at Kalamazoo College for the 2016-17 academic year. At “K College,” Sabine will teach courses across the undergraduate curriculum, help the department with the adaption of new German textbooks for the first and second year German classes, and direct three Senior Individualized Projects (SIPs) written in German. In addition, her responsibilities will include the training and supervision of two teaching assistants from Erlangen and Bonn. In order to join the small, but growing Department of German Studies at “K,” Sabine has left her position as Visiting Lecturer at the Department of German Studies at Cornell University.
This past summer, Sabine received financial aid from universities in Sweden and The Netherlands in order to attend the interdisciplinary workshops “Aesthetics of the Energy Landscape (Luleå University of Technology) and “Decarbonized Futures” (University of Leiden). For the third time this summer, Sabine received a Lehrauftrag at the Pägagogische Hochschule (University of Education) in Heidelberg, in order to teach her class on “Literarisches Lernen: Theorie und Praxis” that combines theoretical and practical approaches to the teaching of literature in primary and secondary schools.
Earlier this summer, Sabine completed an article on “Futur Zwei: Diskurse der Zukunftsfähigkeit im Werk Kathrin Rögglas” for the new volume on Kathrin Röggla published by text+kritik, and is now working on “The Secret Life of Bryophytes in Klaus Modick’s Moos” (paper to be presented at the seminar “The Literary Life of Plants” at the 2016 conference of the GSA in San Diego).