Autumn 2017 Film Series in Germanics
Reformers, Revolutionaries, and Avantgardists
The Germanics Film Series meets the visionary Martin Luther.
This is the starting point of fall quarter's film series. The focus, however, lies not on the great reformer as a historical figure, but as a foundation of ideas and a socio-cultural avantgardist of his time. Luther challenged existing power structures, highlighted injustices, and unleashed a process of reforms. Who are other great initiators in the 20th and 21st century who occupy themselves with pressing social issues? Curated by Jasmin Krakenberg.
The film series is sponsored in part by the German Embassy's 2017 Campus Weeks program, 500th Anniversary of the Reformation. Check out our calendar of events for detailed information on film screenings. Open to UW students, faculty, and staff.
Screenings begin at 5:30pm in DEN 359: 10/11, 10/26, 11/8, 11/21, 11/30
Refreshments provided