Adam Paulsen writes:
"Spending almost half a year as a visiting scholar at Germanics has been a great experience for which I am very grateful. Located in Sabine Wilke's well equipped office in the beautiful Denny Hall, I have had a wonderful time preparing my own teachings for the next semester and trying to catch up on various publications and deadlines, including an article on the idea of landscape in European tradition, reviews of new German fiction (Robert Menasse, Uwe Timm and Daniel Kehlmann) for a Danish Newspaper and some smaller translations of essays of the German philosopher and Sociologist Georg Simmel.
Although most of my time at UW has been dedicated to my own research, I have also been eager to learn how you are doing things here, and I owe much thanks to Jason Groves for letting me audit his course on Fairy Tales and Environmental Imagination, to which I contributed with a small lecture on Franz Boas and the Birth of American Cultural Anthropology, and for inviting me to join his reading group in Environmental Studies. The last weeks of my stay, I'll be preparing an afterword for an edition of the Danish Critic Georg Brandes' influential work on the main currents in 19th Century European literature, Hovedstrømninger, to be published in 2019. I hope this will make it more easy for me to resettle in Denmark, but I'm pretty sure that I'll miss Seattle and Germanics at UW anyway. I wish to thank Brigitte Prutti and the staff of the Germanics Department for their hospitality and kindness."