Visiting Scholar Spotlight: Birthe Hoffmann (University of Copenhagen)

Submitted by Michael Neininger on
Birthe Hoffmann, University of Copenhagen

Birthe Hoffmann writes:

"I have been very fortunate to be a visiting scholar at the Germanics Department this Fall, enjoying half a year of undisturbed time for research as well as the opportunity to get new impulses from colleagues at the UW. As a professor of German Studies, I find it necessary to get out of the daily routines now and then, and as during my earlier long-term visits to the University of Constance, New York University and the Humboldt University, the time spent abroad has been very fruitful. I have had time to write articles on Peter Handke, Thomas Bernhard and Robert Schindel, just now I am starting to write a paper on and old love of mine: The Austrian ‘classic’, Franz Grillparzer and his literary representation of the ‘eastern’ part of the Habsburg Empire. I also managed to write a project proposal on ‘mixed identities’ in contemporary Austrian literature and prepare my upcoming graduate course at the UCPH on European art-film. For this I have been using the exquisite collections and the service of the UW libraries –  the importance of excellent libraries can hardly be overestimated.

I want to thank Brigitte Prutti, whom I got to know through the Austrian Studies Association -  for inviting me and my husband as visiting scholars. The stay at the UW has really made a huge difference in our lives, as scholars and in other respects, too. I also want to thank the staff of the UW and above all Stephanie Welch and Michael Neininger for helping us to get settled here."
