Fellowship News: Congratulations to PhD candidate Verena Kick

Submitted by Michael Neininger on
Verena Kick

Verena Kick received a “Digital Humanities Summer Fellowship” from the UW Simpson Center for the Humanities for Summer Quarter 2018. This fellowship enables her to finalize the digital component of her dissertation based on her dissertation chapter on Kurt Tucholsky’s Deutschland, Deutschland über Alles (1929). Her digital project, entitled Revolutionizing the Public Sphere - The Invasion of the Working Class in the Media of the Weimar Republic, reimagines the presentation of her argument and complements the dissertation chapter, as it features materials that could not be part of the print chapter. The affordances of the online publishing platform Scalar will allow her to present her argument in new ways to an online reader, who might not be familiar with her dissertation.  


Congratulations, Verena!

