City of the Past and Future: Film, Media and Diversity

Submitted by Michael Neininger on
New program: Summer in Berlin

Kye Terrasi writes: This fall quarter I have been working together with Andre Schuetze to create a summer study abroad in Berlin.  I just recently received approval for the new program, City of the Past and Future: Film, Media and Diversity, and I am very excited to begin recruiting for summer 2020!  During this five week program, students will participate in intensive language classes and take courses on culture and diversity, including collaborations with Berlin start-ups.  In my free time this quarter I saw several exciting performances at McCaw Hall.  I recommend PNB’s Kent Stowell’s Carmina Burana, a riveting ballet set to German composer Carl Orff’s iconic music.  Next time PNB stages this production, it is a must! 

