As you think about autumn quarter 2024 course registration, check out these fun English-language courses in German Studies! Open to everyone -- no prerequisites!
Campus Tour: A Multicultural Introduction to German Studies

Modern research universities like the UW are a 19th-century German invention. This course provides an introduction to the modern university, exploring the relationship between knowledge and power and looking at the ways that German thinkers have worked alternately to construct the fields of academic knowledge, to promote cross-fertilization among those fields, and to challenge disciplinary boundaries.
Kye Terrasi and Andre Schuetze, German Studies
5 credits, SSc, DIV
The Queerness of Love

GERMAN 285A / GLITS 253A / ENGL 242B / CHID 270A
In this course, we will attempt to trace the limits and possibilities of queer love, from Socrates’ description of platonic love, to 20th century novels that explore same-sex love, to contemporary films such as Brokeback Mountain, Moonlight, and Watermelon Woman.
Richard Block, German Studies
5 credits, DIV, SSc, A&H
Cross-Cultural Encounters in the Middle Ages

ITAL 354A / GERMAN 298A / GLITS 313A
Explore literary expressions of cross-cultural interactions between European and non-European cultures in the Middle Ages, as well as representations of "Otherness" in cultural settings and literary texts. Learn how diversity and interconnectivity materialize in the contexts of politics, commerce, migration, religion and similar philosophical and cultural frameworks, and examine how such ‘modern’ global phenomena find root in the 'premodern' world.
Beatrice Arduini, French & Italian Studies
Annegret Oehme, German Studies
5 credits, A&H, DIV
These courses are open to all students, have no prerequisites, fulfill Areas of Knowledge requirements as noted, and are taught in English.