My publications and research are in the areas of U.S. Latino literature and culture, hemispheric American and borderlands literature and culture, the baroque/neobaroque/New World baroque, and critical theory. I also teach courses on 20th- and 21st-century American literature. My work has been published in American Literature, Comparative Literature, Contemporary Literature, CR: The New Centennial Review, MLQ, Modernism/modernity, Modern Fiction Studies, and PMLA.
Recent book projects:
My current book project, “What Comes after Poststructuralism? New Ecological Realisms in Contemporary Theory and Postapocalyptic Fiction” examines a paradigm shift in the wake of structuralism and poststructuralism—a trend towards new realisms. Within the broader movement of this ontological turn after poststructuralism, I orient myself towards a realism of complex wholes, actor-networks, and ecologies, rather than a realism of isolated parts and things. I explore applications of these ideas in close readings of recent postapocalyptic fiction (such as Atwood’s Maddaddam series and McCarthy’s The Road) that depicts life after the destruction of modern civilization as we know it.