Students Share Projects on  "Literature, Culture, and the Environment"

Submitted by Ellwood Wiggins on

On Friday, March 14, student teams from a class on "Literature, Culture, and the Environment" taught by Sabine Wilke and assisted by Eric Scheufler presented their projects in five contests:

  • an art installation on food and consumption
  • a bestiary written from a non-human perspective
  • a one-minute spot on waste
  • a graphic novel on climate change
  • and a design for an exhibit on the Anthropocene, the Age of Man.

This event concluded a quarter-long student engagement with environmental topics whitin the greater framework of the Germany in Europe campaign that featured Germany's leadership role in environmental policy. Teams were competing for prize money given out as part of the campaign sponsored by the German Embassy and the German Information Center. Give away items such as T-shirts, lunch boxes, pens, and notepads were available for the audience of faculty and students that came to pick the winning teams.

More information is available on the project web site:

The link to the campaign activities from fall quarter 2013 is here:

In spring 2014, Professor Frank Wendler will organize a conference on the upcoming EU-elections. Please check our web site for further updates.
