Contact Information
Fields of Interest
Sabine Wilke is the Joff Hanauer Distinguished Professor in Western Civilization and professor of German. She is also associated with and teaches in the European Studies Program. Her research and teaching interests include modern German literature and culture, intellectual history and theory, cultural and visual studies, and the environmental humanities. She has written books and articles on body constructions in modern German literature and culture, German unification, the history of German film and theater, contemporary German authors and filmmakers, German colonialism, and the German environmental imagination. Most recently, Wilke was involved in a larger project about German colonialism and postcoloniality with a focus on the Pacific. With assistance from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Wilke founded a transatlantic research network on the environmental humanities and is now focusing on environmental criticism, in particular questions of waste, climate, non-humans, and the Anthropocene.
Selected Research
- Terrasi, S. Kye and Andre Schütze. "EIne Psychogeographie des Verlustes: Wien in Heimito von Doderers Roman Die Strudlhofstiege." Brigitte Prutti. Guest editor/Editorial of literatur für leser 17: 3. Themed volume on Literarisches Wien/Literary Vienna.
- Diversity in the Anthropocene :: Project Five :: Designing an Exhibit about the Anthropocene
- Diversity in the Anthropocene :: Project 4 - Future :: Field Guides for Living with Climate Change
- Advocacy Spot: Inform about Environmental Problem and Give Ideas on its Solution
- Diversity in the Anthropocene :: Project Two
- Diversity in the Anthropocene :: Project One
- German 298: Literature, Culture, and the Environment: Diversity in the Anthropocene Download PDF
- Strata: Newsletter of the American Friends of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (winter 2019): 4-5. Download PDF
- Christof Mauch visit December 2015.
- Food, Animals, Waste, and Climate
- Sabine Wilke. German Culture and the Modern Environmental Imagination. Brill Rodopi: 2015
- Sabine Wilke, "The Scientific Image in the Anthropocene: Models of Interconnectivity from Alexander von Humboldt to the Gridded Cartogram." Virtual Reality. Edited by Ulrich Gehmann and Martin Reiche. Bielefeld: transcript, 2014.
- Sabine Wilke: Literature, Culture, and the Environment: Food, Animals, Waste, and Climate in the Anthropocene.
- http://allegoriesoftheanthropocene.wordpress.com
- http://environmental-humanities-network.org
- "Anthropocene Poetics: An Ethics and Aesthetics for a New Geological Age." RCC Perspectives 3 (2013). http://www.carsoncenter.uni-muenchen.de/download/publications/perspectives/2013_perspectives/1303_anthro_web.pdf
- Art + Science = Environmental Humanities. Video, 2013.
- Sabine Wilke, Sabine Lang. Germany in Europe Campus Weeks 2013-14.
- Sabine Wilke. Think Transatlantic Campus Weeks 2012.
- Sabine Wilke. "New Directions in German Studies." From Kafka to Sebald: Modernism and Narrative Form. Continuum: 2012.
- Sabine Wilke, Herbert Uerlings, Iulia-Karin Patrut (Hgg.). "Von der Kolonialfotografie zu Google Earth. Die Rolle des Erhabenen in der postkolonialen Ästhetik." Postkolonialismus und Kanon. Aisthesis Verlag: 2012.
- Sabine Wilke. "How German Is the American West? The Legacy of Caspar David Friedrich’s Visual Poetics in American Landscape Painting." Observation Points: The Visual Poetics of National Parks. Ed. by Thomas Patin. University of Minnesota Press: 2012.
Research Advised
- Sabine Noellgen. “Veränderte Umwelt: Neue Leseweisen im Anthropozän” (“Altered Environments: New Readings in in the Anthropocene”). Diss.
- Justin Mohler, "Animals in German Romanticism" (dissertation project)Vanessa Hester, "Invisible Environmental Threats" (dissertation project)
- Verena Kick. "Confronting the German Public Sphere – Workers, Soldiers and Women as Counter Publics in Photobooks of Weimar Germany", Diss., in progress
Resources & Related Links
Related News
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