Students joining us for spring quarter will have a variety of exciting, timely courses to choose from:
GERMAN 285: The Queerness of Love, with Professor Richard Block.
The nature of love is thus self-estrangement; the lover, if (s)he truly is in love, can be nothing other than queer.
GERMAN 293: Gegenkultur: The Art of Protest, with Dr. Jasmin Krakenberg.
How effective is art as a form of protest? How do writers, artists, and filmmakers adopt new strategies to resist dominant narratives?
GERMAN 304: Georg Büchner's "Leonce und Lena," with Professor Ellwood Wiggins.
German Humor: Playing for Laughs and Tears. German contemporary play reading and production.
GERMAN 385: Cultures of Extinction, with Professor Jason Groves.
"The arts of living on a damaged planet."