Languages Matter: Why we learn German - Emily Kargl (German 102)

Submitted by Michael Neininger on
Emily Kargl, German 102

My name is Emily Kargl and I am a sophomore in the Michael G. Foster School of Business. I intend to study Operations and Supply Chain Management, with a specific focus in international business. Currently, I am enrolled in German 102, and plan to take German 103 and 351 in the spring.

My interest in learning German stems from my passion for international business, and my family’s roots in Germany. Both my maternal and paternal great-grandparents emigrated to the United States from Germany in the 1800s. I have always enjoyed learning about family heritage, and a recent project in a history class allowed me to further explore my German roots. Additionally, when I was researching international business, it was evident that the ability to speak more than one language was highly sought after by employers. It was a clear what my language of choice would be – German! In German class, I feel closer to my ancestors by being able to speak their language, and I know that I am enriching my education by pursuing a language. In the future, I would love to obtain a job overseas, or that deals with the global economy, and immersing myself in German will allow me to be one step closer to my goal.
