The Department of Germanics in conjunction with Scandinavian and French & Italian is offering a diversity workshop in the Spring of 2019 for their faculty, staff and graduate students. The workshop, Cross-disciplinary Conversations on Diversity and Inclusion in the World Language and Literature Classroom, will be facilitated by Dr. Anu Taranath and seeks to create a more inclusive learning environment for students in world language and literature departments. Dr. Taranath, who is a professional consultant on race, equity, and diversity and UW faculty member since 2000, will lead our group to reflect on our identities, differences and similarities within the broader framework of social justice work as it pertains to undergraduate and graduate education. The participating departments' diversity committees have identified topics of interest for the workshop, which will emphasize issues such as strategies for strengthening representation of under-represented and historically-marginalized groups in the curriculum, determining best practices to reduce stereotype threat in the classroom and developing processes for integrating social justice goals into course learning objectives.
When: Friday, April 19, 2:30-5:30pm
Where: Denny Hall 359