News from our Graduate Students: Sophia Schuessler

Submitted by Michael Neininger on
Sophia Schuessler

My time within the German Studies Department at UW has taught me a multitude of skills. My brilliant professors and mentors have challenged me beyond what I thought I was capable of. It has been an experience of discomfort, hard work, persistence, and so much more. But this experience has allowed me to develop abilities that enabled me to adapt, accomplish and thrive in my endeavors. I am extremely grateful for what the German Studies Department has equipped me with.

The skill set aside; I have been fortunate to have chosen a program where there is an extremely kind and sociable atmosphere. There is an abundance of support that I have received from the other graduate students and the faculty since the beginning of my time in the program. I am sad to have seen it go so quickly, but I have been well trained and educated in areas, that will not only translate within my career, but in other aspects of my life as well. I am forever thankful to the department for having received such an education.

