Nathan Bates

Graduate Student

Contact Information


M.A., German Studies, Brigham Young University, Provo, 2012
B.A., German: Emphasis Literature, Brigham Young University, Provo, 2009

Nathan Bates is a native of Washington State. He received both his Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in German at Brigham Young University in Provo, UT, where he wrote his MA thesis on Alfred Döblin’s Berge Meere und Giganten, analyzing its biblical and mystical themes of apocalypse. His dissertation focuses on how the high modernist German novel (Thomas Mann’s Der Zauberberg, Hermann Broch's Die Schlafwandler, Alfred Döblin’s Berlin Alexanderplatz, and Irmgard Keun’s Das kunstseidene Mädchen) anticipates the transhumanist concept of mind-uploading. 

Courses Taught

Additional Courses

All levels of German and intensive courses. 

TA for Rick Gray: Freud and the Literary Imagination

TA for Eric Ames: Film Noir


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