People - Full Directory

People - Full Directory
Name Title Email/Phone Office Hours
Block, Richard Professor of German Studies
(206) 543-6025
DEN 345
M: 9:30-10:20; F: 1:30-2:20- and by appt.
Gray, Richard Professor of German Studies, Byron W. and Alice L. Lockwood Professor in the Humanities
Prutti, Brigitte Professor of German
(206) 543-4565
DEN 341
M, F 11:30-12:00 and by appt.
Schuetze, Andre Assistant Teaching Professor, Honors Adviser DEN 337
By appointment
Wilke, Sabine Professor Emerita

Adjunct/Affiliate Faculty

People - Adjuncts & Affiliates
Name Title Email/Phone
Ames, Eric Adjunct Professor, Cinema & Media Studies and German Studies
(206) 543-7542
Nascimento, Amos Adjunct Professor, Philosophy, Interdisciplinary A&S UW Tacoma, and German Studies

In Memoriam

People - In Memoriam
Name Title
Ammerlahn, Hellmut Professor Emeritus, German Studies and Comparative Literature
Bansleben, Manfred Professor Emeritus, German Studies
Barrack, Charles Professor Emeritus, German Studies
Behler, Diana Professor Emerita, German Studies and Comparative Literature
Mclean, Sammy Professor Emeritus, Germanics and Comparative Literature