Sabine Wilke has been involved in teaching and researching the environmental humanities for a number of years. After focusing on the concept of nature in philosophy and literature, she is now turning her attention to the history of environmental issues reflected in literature and culture with an emphasis on waste, climate change, pollution, and the concept of the Anthropocene. Last fall, UW hosted the director of the Rachel Carson Center in Munich, Christof Mauch, and Wilke taught a microseminar on „Environmental History“ in the context of which she wrote a short essay on wilfires for the peer-reviewed online journal „Arcadia.“ In that essay she reflects on her experience with the wildfire season in the summer of 2015 which saw the largest fire complex in the history of Washington state.
Read her article online:
“Wildfire Genres: A Complicated Relationship.”
Wilke, Sabine. “Wildfire Genres: A Complicated Relationship.” Environment & Society Portal, Arcadia Summer 2016, no. 7. Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society.