My name is Sam Romanelli, and I am a returning student to UW. I finished my undergraduate degree in 2016, and now I am back for a Masters program. I am starting my year off with Professor Oehme's Seminar in Medieval German Literature, a reading course with Professor Wiggins, and a mentorship in Professor Wiggins' German 120 class. This quarter I will be co-hosting a film series with my fellow graduate student Hannah Bradley Kondo on Jewish life in Germany. Anyone who is interested is welcome to attend! My interest is primarily with German art songs, and I have been working since my undergraduate degree on translating a selection of these songs. I'm hoping to find a way to adapt them to the stage so they can be performed as short plays for the children's theater, or something of that nature.
I grew up in Seattle and I have lived in the general area my whole life, so I feel very fortunate that I have never had to travel far to see beautiful forests, beaches, and mountains. This year I have spent more time socializing in this city than I ever have, and there is so much in Seattle to do no matter what your interests are. During my undergraduate at UW I didn't spend much time on campus after class, so I'm excited to change that and make new friends who I can enjoy my time in the city with. A lot of things have changed on campus since I was last in school, and I'm happy that Denny Hall finally got a upgrade. It's been wonderful seeing my previous professors again and picking back up where I left off, and I'm looking forward to seeing what this academic year will bring!
Graduate Student Update: Sam Romanelli
Submitted by Michael Neininger