Sammy McLean Awards 2024

Submitted by Michael Neininger on
Sammy McLean Award

The German Studies faculty have selected the following outstanding students for the McLean award:

Rachel Lundeen to be this year's recipient of our undergraduate prize for excellence in German Literary Studies.
Daniel Popa to be this year's recipient of our undergraduate prize for excellence in German Cultural Studies. 
Lela Hughes to be this year's recipient of our undergraduate prize for excellence in German Language.
Congratulations on being chosen for this honor!
This award was endowed by Prof. Sammy McLean, a longtime German professor at UW who passed away several years ago.  It comes with an award of $500.  
The awards will be presented at our German Studies Commencement ceremony, which will take place on Thursday, June 6 at 1:30pm in CMU 120. 