News Archive

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sabine lang
Faculty Updates: Sabine Lang
“Witchcraft. From History to Pop Culture”
Annegret Oehme receives TTFI Fellowship
I am the very model of a modern German professor
Heroines and heroes
English-language Courses in the Fall
The image is from Maurice Sendak's illustration of Penthesilea.
Hanauer Seminar Projects 2019-20: Environments in the Anthropocene: Migration, Climate, Non-Humans and Beyond
He should have listened to his wife!” The Construction of Women’s Roles in German and Yiddish Pre-modern 'Wigalois' Adaptations.
Recent notable book by Annegret Oehme looks at female agency in Arthurian legend 
Rewriting Trauma
Graduate student conference: Rewriting Trauma  
Annegret Oehme: new faculty publication
New Faculty Publication by Annegret Oehme: “He should have listened to his wife!” 
Isiaih Back-Gaal
Viennese Inqueeries: Queer Politics in Translation
Arts and Sciences Dean’s Medal Nominee Isaiah Back-Gaal
Arts and Sciences Dean’s Medal Nominee Isaiah Back-Gaal Reflects on His Experiences in the Department of Germanics
Verena Kick
Newly Minted PhD and Dean’s Graduate Medalist: Verena Kick
Chase Emrys Stamper
Newly Minted PhD and Go-Map Scholar: Chase Emrys
Museum Project
Something Wicked!
Witchcraft. From History to Pop Culture
Winter 2019: German Studies in English
Larping in the classroom (Credits: Jesús Hidalgo Campos)
Live Action Role Play (LARP) in the German 452 Classroom
UW Alumna Hamda Yusuf
Stranger in the Village: Hamda Yusuf on the Language and Politics of Travel  
Academic (Gender) Equity: A Performative Roundtable
Academic (Gender) Equity: A Performative Roundtable
Richard O. Block, Echoes of a Queer Messianic: From Frankenstein to Brokeback Mountain
NOW IN PRINT: Prof. Richard O. Block, Echoes of a Queer Messianic: From Frankenstein to Brokeback Mountain
UW German Studies PhD candidate Jasmin Krakenberg
PhD Candidate Jasmin Krakenberg Curates Successful Series on German Films by Women Directors