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Fields of Interest
B.A., "Kulturwissenschaften" (Major: English, Minor: German), Otto-von-Guericke Universitaet Magdeburg, 2011
M.A., Anglophone Cultural Studies, Otto-von-Guericke Universitaet Magdeburg, 2013
M.A., English Literature, University of Idaho, 2015
Vanessa Hester is a fifth year PhD candidate in the Department of Germanics where she also works as the lead teaching assistant for beginning and intermediate German language classes as well as literature classes in the Environmental Humanities.
Before joining UW in 2015, Vanessa earned a Master's Degree in English literature at the University of Idaho. It was then when she discovered her interest in ecocriticism and environmental literature.However, while ecocriticism have gained significicance among English departments, its role in Germanics seems still quiet marginal. For this reason, Vanessa decided to switch disciplines and pursue a PhD in German Studies rather than English.