News Archive

Image Title Published
News from our Alums: Sylvia Rieger (PhD 2001)  - Von Montréal nach Berlin
Autumn Film Series
Autumn Film Series:  Jewish Life in Germany
German Club
German Club: Weekly Stammtisch - Autumn Quarter 2021
SIV 2022. Poster design by Stephanie Welch.
Spring in Vienna 2022
sabine wilke
Congratulations to the Class of 2020 - 2021!
aaron Carpenter
Graduate Student Update: Aaron Carpenter
sara koeck
Student Spotlight: Sara Koeck
Praewpetch (Pattie) Unakul
McLean Prize for Excellence in German: Praewpetch (Pattie) Unakul
The Naked Truth - Crisis and Dissolution in Vienna 1900
Cool Courses in English -- Spring 2021
fairy tales
Cool Courses - Winter 2021
Andre Schuetze
Newly minted adjuncts and affiliates: André Schuetze 
sabine lang
Faculty Updates: Sabine Lang
Denny Hall
Thank you to our donors
Belvedere, August 2020
Vienna on my mind
Aaron Carpenter
Congratulations to Aaron Carpenter: Hanauer Fellow 2020-2021
lucinda axtelle
Languages Matter in a Time of Pandemic: Why we learn German (Lucinda Axtelle, German 202)
Kristian Whittaker
Why I learn German in a Time of Pandemic (Kristian Whittaker, German 202)
Emma Stuart
Why I learn German in a Time of Pandemic (Emma Stuart, German 202) 
With “Humanities First,” the UW Expands Opportunities for First Year Students
Achtung Freshmen: Grant from The Mellon Foundation for your First Year Experience
Student Ambassador Miah Robert
Our new Student Ambassador Miah Robert
Special Issue "Environmental Imagination and German Culture"
Call for Papers: Special Issue "Environmental Imagination and German Culture"
Marilyn Moehlmann
Alum Marilyn Moehlmann on the Frontline Against COVID-19
Isaiah Back-Gaal
Viennese Inqueeries: Queer Politics in Translation
Isiaih Back-Gaal
Viennese Inqueeries: Queer Politics in Translation
Kaffeestunde Stammtisch
You are invited to our Stammtisch and Kaffeestunde