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Title |
Published |
Anna Malin Gerke: Slow Down and Appreciate the Little Things |
Vienna on my mind |
Matthew Childs: Beneath Red Skies |
Justin Mohler: The Lives of Animals |
Marshall Brown: Goethe and the Yo-Yo |
Teaching German in Prison: Experiencing Our Society’s Inequities in a Drastically Crystallized Form |
Diversity in Germany Film Series |
Alexa, What are our Alums at Amazon up to? Meet Alex Estes (BA 2013) |
Welcome to the Revolution! |
Madeline Bonner (BA 2020), Dean's Medalist in the Humanities, featured in July Perspectives Magazine |
COVID-19 Global Conversation: Germany |
Convocation in a Time of Pandemic: Video Link |
News from our alums: Solidarity and Its Limits by Anke Biendarra (PhD 2003) |
Not Just Another Brick in the Wall |
Annegret Oehme receives TTFI Fellowship |
Congratulations to Aaron Carpenter: Hanauer Fellow 2020-2021 |
Corona Statement of the DAAD President Joybrato Mukherjee |
GSA Initiative for Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion |
Q&A with Annegret Oehme |
Madeline Bonner Selected for Dean’s Medal in the Humanities! |
“Virtual” Convocation of the Class of 2020 |
I am the very model of a modern German professor |
Congratulations to the Class of 2019-2020! |
English-language Courses in the Fall |
Languages Matter in a Time of Pandemic: Why we learn German (Lucinda Axtelle, German 202) |