News Archive

Image Title Published
Anna Malin Gerke
Anna Malin Gerke: Slow Down and Appreciate the Little Things
Belvedere, August 2020
Vienna on my mind
Oregon highway, 9:11:36 AM
Matthew Childs: Beneath Red Skies
Brehms Tierleben
Justin Mohler: The Lives of Animals
Marshall Brown: Goethe and the Yo-Yo
Marshall Brown: Goethe and the Yo-Yo
Teaching German in Prison
Teaching German in Prison: Experiencing Our Society’s Inequities in a Drastically Crystallized Form
Diversity in Germany Film Series
Diversity in Germany Film Series
Alum Alex Estes, BA 2013
Alexa, What are our Alums at Amazon up to? Meet Alex Estes (BA 2013)
Heiner Müller, Georg Büchner: The Task/Danton's Death
Welcome to the Revolution!
Madeline Bonner UW Perspectives magazine article
Madeline Bonner (BA 2020), Dean's Medalist in the Humanities, featured in July Perspectives Magazine
COVID-19 Global Conversation: Germany
video link
Convocation in a Time of Pandemic: Video Link
News from our alums: Solidarity and Its Limits by Anke Biendarra (PhD 2003) 
Not Just Another Brick in the Wall (Photo: Jason Groves)
Not Just Another Brick in the Wall
“Witchcraft. From History to Pop Culture”
Annegret Oehme receives TTFI Fellowship
Aaron Carpenter
Congratulations to Aaron Carpenter: Hanauer Fellow 2020-2021
Corona Statement of the DAAD President Joybrato Mukherjee
George Floyd
GSA Initiative for Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion
Annegret Oehme
Q&A with Annegret Oehme
Madeline Bonner
Madeline Bonner Selected for Dean’s Medal in the Humanities! 
“Virtual” Convocation of the Class of 2020
I am the very model of a modern German professor
Congratulations to the Class of 2019-2020
Congratulations to the Class of 2019-2020!
Heroines and heroes
English-language Courses in the Fall
lucinda axtelle
Languages Matter in a Time of Pandemic: Why we learn German (Lucinda Axtelle, German 202)