Groves, Jason. "Low Tide, Black Shoals: Toward Offshore Formations in Celan Studies." The Germanic Review: Literature, Culture, Theory 98.4 (2023): 447-461. |
Publications, Articles |
20th Century, Ecocriticism, German, Jewish Studies, Race and Ethnicity |
Lozinski-Veach, Natalie, and Jason Groves. "Reading Celan Today." The Germanic Review: Literature, Culture, Theory. 98.4 (2023): 355-359. |
Publications, Articles |
German, Jewish Studies, Poetry and Poetics |
Ellwood Wiggins, "The Tragic Idealism of Double Consciousness: W.E.B. Du Bois's Souls of Black Folk and Friedrich Schiller's Naive and Sentimental Poetry," Monatshefte 115/3 (2023): 344-64. |
Publications, Articles |
18th Century, 20th Century, Comparative Literature, Intellectual History, Philology, Race and Ethnicity, Reception Studies |
Ellwood Wiggins, “The Latent Radicalism of Aristotle and J.M.R. Lenz,” German Life and Letters, 76.1 (2023): 150-172. |
Publications, Articles |
18th Century, Classics, Comparative Literature, Critical Theory, Drama, German, Intellectual History, Literary Criticism, Performance Studies, Reception Studies |
Ellwood Wiggins and Martin Wagner. “Radical and Moderate Sturm und Drang.” Introduction to Special Issue of German Life and Letters, 76.1 (2023): 1-20. |
Publications, Articles |
18th Century, Aesthetics, Critical Theory, Drama, German, Intellectual History, Literary Criticism, Philosophy |
Wiggins, Ellwood. "The Moral Aesthetic of the Scream: Sophocles' Philoctetes and the Hidden Structure of Lessing's Laokoon." Lessing Yearbook 51 (2024): 51-71. |
Publications, Articles |
18th Century, Aesthetics, Classics, Comparative Literature, Drama, Literature and Other Arts, Reception Studies, Visual Culture |
Childs, Matthew. "Goethe's Faust and Sorge in the Age of Imperialism and Colonialism." Goethe Yearbook 31, edited by Sarah Vandegrifft Eldridge et al, Boydell & Brewer, 2024, pp. 151–58. |
Publications, Articles |
18th Century, 19th Century, Classics, German, Literature, Postcolonial, Race and Ethnicity |
Terrasi, S. Kye and Andre Schütze. "Eine Psychogeographie des Verlustes: Wien in Heimito von Doderers Roman Die Strudlhofstiege." In: literatur für leser 17: 3. 2020 (Themed volume on Literarisches Wien/Literary Vienna). |
Publications, Articles |
Austrian, German, Novel/Prose Fiction |
Andre Schuetze: The Uncanny City: Berlin in International Film. In: Cultural Topographies of the New Berlin, ed. by Karin Bauer and Jennifer Ruth Hosek. Berghahn 2017. |
Publications, Articles |
21st Century, Film/Cinema, German, Urban Studies |