
Author/Title Research Type Related Fields
Carpenter, Aaron. Rajžaliteratur: A Journey Across the Shifting Words of Traumatic Narratives. University of Washington, Ph.D. dissertation. 2024. Print. Graduate, Dissertations
Kristina Pilz. "Writing Across Margins: Contemporary Afro-German Literature." Diss. Graduate, Dissertations
Rachel Herschman. "Kasper's Theater: Avant-Garde and Propaganda Puppetry in Early Twentieth-Century Germany." Diss. Graduate, Dissertations
Jasmin Krakenberg. "Art, Cinema, and the Berlin School." Diss. Graduate, Dissertations
Olivia Albiero. "Moments of Rupture: Narratological Readings of Contemporary German Literature." Diss. Graduate, Dissertations
Seth Berk. "Amazons Abound! German Phantasies of the Amazonian Other." Diss. Graduate, Dissertations
Childs, Matthew Robert, "An Analysis of Light Metaphors in Goethe’s Faust" (2015). Electronic Theses, Treatises and Dissertations. Paper 9569.  Graduate, Masters Theses
Japhet Johnstone. "Stages of Inversion: Die verkehrte Welt in Nineteenth-Century German Literature." Graduate, Dissertations
Tim Coombs. “Wundgelesenes: The Signature of the Wound in Kafka and Celan.” Diss. Graduate, Dissertations
Sabine Noellgen. “Veränderte Umwelt: Neue Leseweisen im Anthropozän” (“Altered Environments: New Readings in in the Anthropocene”). Diss. Graduate, Dissertations
Nathan Magnusson. "Accommodating the Nation: Hospitality and State-Belonging in Nineteenth-Century German Literature.” Diss. Graduate, Dissertations
Lena Heilmann. “Remodeling the Frauenzimmer: Women and Spatiality in German Literature (1771-1820).” Diss. Graduate, Dissertations Graduate
Mahan, William M.  "A Derridean-Kierkegaardian Interpretation of Writing: Imprisonment and Freedom." MA thesis University of Oregon, 2013. Print. Graduate, Masters Theses
Elisabeth Cnobloch. "Messengers of Ill Tidings: Situating the Speech of Refugees in the Works of Jakob Wassermann, Franz Kafka, Emine Özdamar and Herta Müller" Diss. Graduate, Dissertations
Childs, Matthew. Era of Uncertainty: Catastrophe in Nineteenth-Century German Literature. ProQuest Dissertations, 2024. Graduate, Dissertations
Justin Mohler, "Animals in German Romanticism" (dissertation project)Vanessa Hester, "Invisible Environmental Threats" (dissertation project) Graduate, Dissertations
N/A Graduate
Eric Scheufler. "Documents, Genealogies, Memories: Literary Models of Historiography in 19th Century German Historical Fiction." Diss., in progress. Graduate, Dissertations
Verena Kick. "Confronting the German Public Sphere – Workers, Soldiers and Women as Counter Publics in Photobooks of Weimar Germany", Diss., in progress Graduate, Dissertations
Kevin Johnson. “Annexation Effects: Cultural Appropriation and the Politics of Place in Czech-German Films, 1930-1945.” Diss. Graduate, Dissertations
Gloria Man. "Writing the Enclave: Topographies of Difference in Contemporary German-language Prose." Diss., in progress. Graduate, Dissertations
Bryan Aja. "Novel Developments: Aspects of the German Bildungsroman as Core Components of Minority Literature." Diss., in progress. Graduate, Dissertations
Jan Hengge. "Pure Violence on the Stage of Exception: Representations of Revolutions in Georg Büchner, Hugo von Hofmannsthal, Heiner Müller, and Elfriede Jelinek." Diss. Graduate, Dissertations