
Author/Title Research Type Related Fields
Block, Richard. "Mourning Becomes Electric: The Disappearing Act of AIDS." CR: The New Centennial Review, vol. 21 no. 2, 2021, p. 55-82.  Publications, Essays
Andre Schuetze: The Uncanny City: Berlin in International Film. In: Cultural Topographies of the New Berlin, ed. by Karin Bauer and Jennifer Ruth Hosek. Berghahn 2017. Publications, Articles
Verena Kick. “Allegorien der Geschichte: Werner Herzogs Lektionen in Finsternis” In: Focus on German Studies 24 (2017): 1-18. Publications, Essays
Krakenberg, Jasmin. "Moving Portraits: Christian Petzold and The Art of Portraiture." Senses of Cinema, September 2017, Publications, Essays
Eric Ames. Aguirre, the Wrath of God. British Film Institute: 2016 Publications, Books
"Visionen von Natur vor uns: Alfred Ehrhardt fotographiert und filmt Urformen der Natur." Studian Theodisca (2015). Publications, Essays Publications, Books
Krakenberg, Jasmin. "The Berlin School: Films from the Berliner Schule Edited by Rajendra Roy and Anke Leweke, Berlin School Glossary: An ABC of the New Wave in German Cinema Edited by Roger F. Cook, Lutz Koepnick, Kristin Kopp, and Brad Prager, The Counter-Cinema of the Berlin School by Marco Abel." Film Quarterly, Vol. 67, No. 3 (Spring 2014), pp. 86-89 Publications, Essays
Eric Ames. Werner Herzog: Interviews. University Press of Mississippi: 2014 Publications, Books
Eric Ames. Ferocious Reality: Documentary according to Werner Herzog. University of Minnesota Press: 2012. Publications, Books
Eric Ames. "Spoofing Herzog and Herzog Spoofing." Transit 6(1). TRANSIT, Department of German, UC Berkeley: 2010. Publications, Essays
Eric Ames. Carl Hagenbeck's Empire of Entertainments. University of Washington: 2008. Publications, Books