
Author/Title Research Type Related Fields
Terrasi, S. Kye.  "Disrupting Patterns of Male Subjectivity: Performativity as Subversion in Schnitzler's Reigen and Klimt and Schiele's Portraiture," in Das Junge Wien- Orte und Spielräume der Wiener Moderne.  Ed. Wilhelm Hemecker, Cornelius Mittlerer and David Österle.  Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter, 2020. 123-164. Publications, Essays
"Visionen von Natur vor uns: Alfred Ehrhardt fotographiert und filmt Urformen der Natur." Studian Theodisca (2015). Publications, Essays Publications, Books
Ellwood Wiggins, “Depicting Artist and Viewer: Performed Aesthetics in Kālidāsa’s Śakuntalā,” The International Journal of the Arts in Society, 6/6 (Sept. 2012): 179-192. Publications, Essays
Ellwood Wiggins, “Depicting Artist and Viewer: Performed Aesthetics in Kālidāsa’s Śakuntalā,” The International Journal of the Arts in Society, 6/6 (Sept. 2012): 179-192. Publications, Essays
Ellwood Wiggins, “Depicting Artist and Viewer: Performed Aesthetics in Kālidāsa’s Śakuntalā,” The International Journal of the Arts in Society, 6/6 (Sept. 2012) 179-192. Publications, Essays