
Author/Title Research Type Related Fields
Block, Richard. "Mourning Becomes Electric: The Disappearing Act of AIDS." CR: The New Centennial Review, vol. 21 no. 2, 2021, p. 55-82.  Publications, Essays
Wiggins, Ellwood. "The Moral Aesthetic of the Scream: Sophocles' Philoctetes and the Hidden Structure of Lessing's Laokoon.Lessing Yearbook 51 (2024): 51-71. Publications, Articles
"Visionen von Natur vor uns: Alfred Ehrhardt fotographiert und filmt Urformen der Natur." Studian Theodisca (2015). Publications, Essays
Sabine Wilke, "The Scientific Image in the Anthropocene: Models of Interconnectivity from Alexander von Humboldt to the Gridded Cartogram." Virtual Reality. Edited by Ulrich Gehmann and Martin Reiche. Bielefeld: transcript, 2014. Publications, Essays
Sabine Wilke. "How German Is the American West? The Legacy of Caspar David Friedrich’s Visual Poetics in American Landscape Painting." Observation Points: The Visual Poetics of National Parks. Ed. by Thomas Patin. University of Minnesota Press: 2012. Publications, Essays
Eric Ames. "Spoofing Herzog and Herzog Spoofing." Transit 6(1). TRANSIT, Department of German, UC Berkeley: 2010. Publications, Essays
Eric Ames. Carl Hagenbeck's Empire of Entertainments. University of Washington: 2008. Publications, Books