News Archive

Image Title Published
Love in the Middle Ages - German 411
Love in the Middle Ages  (Course Projects: German 411)
Department of German Studies, Denny Hall
New MA in Pedagogy and Culture
500th Anniversary of the Reformation
Celebrating 500 Years of Reformation: Martin Luther as a Man of his Times and Our Contemporary 
Nina Doejen
My Graduate Exchange Year in Seattle (Nina Doejen, Muenster)
Hamda Yusuf
My Fulbright Year in Vienna: Hamda Yusuf (BA 2016)
Melissa (MJ) Durkee
Languages Matter: Why we learn German              
Languages Matter: Cameron Vohr
Languages Matter: Why we learn German
Richard O. Block, Echoes of a Queer Messianic: From Frankenstein to Brokeback Mountain
NOW IN PRINT: Prof. Richard O. Block, Echoes of a Queer Messianic: From Frankenstein to Brokeback Mountain
Jasmin Krakenberg, Moving Portraits: Christian Petzold and The Art of Portraiture
New Faculty Publication by Dr. Krakenberg: Moving Portraits: Christian Petzold and The Art of Portraiture
 Richard T. Gray, Ghostwriting: W. G. Sebald’s Poetics of History.
Ghostwriting: W. G. Sebald’s Poetics of History
UW German Studies PhD candidate Jasmin Krakenberg
PhD Candidate Jasmin Krakenberg Curates Successful Series on German Films by Women Directors
A tribute to Professor Hellmut Ammerlahn's scholarship upon his retirement by Professor Jane K. Brown
Richard Gray's graduate seminar in autumn 2015 :: W. G. Sebald’s Prose Fictions  
Choosing UW Germanics for your Graduate Studies
WH Interviews book cover image
New faculty publication by Eric Ames (editor): Werner Herzog: Interviews
The State We’re In: The Films of the Berliner Schule
Sabine Wilke
Art + Science = Environmental Humanities
The White Rose
Faust illustration by E. Delacroix
Autumn Courses Offered in English: Faust and the Devil in Literature, Film, and Music
GERMAN 295 course poster, Autumn 2012
Autumn Courses Offered in English: Jews and German Culture
Cinema Crime Scenes course poster
Autumn Courses Offered in English: Cinema Crime Scenes
Student Becomes Berlin Radio Celebrity: "Rory & the City"