Ellwood Wiggins, “The Latent Radicalism of Aristotle and J.M.R. Lenz,” German Life and Letters, 76.1 (2023): 150-172. |
Publications, Articles |
18th Century, Classics, Comparative Literature, Critical Theory, Drama, German, Intellectual History, Literary Criticism, Performance Studies, Reception Studies |
Ellwood Wiggins and Martin Wagner. “Radical and Moderate Sturm und Drang.” Introduction to Special Issue of German Life and Letters, 76.1 (2023): 1-20. |
Publications, Articles |
18th Century, Aesthetics, Critical Theory, Drama, German, Intellectual History, Literary Criticism, Philosophy |
Ellwood Wiggins, "Stage of Exception: Politics and Theater in Shakespeare's Troilus and Cressida," Early Modern Literary Studies 22:2 (2022). [https://journals.shu.ac.uk/index.php/EMLS/article/view/303] |
Publications, Essays |
17th Century, Classics, Comparative Literature, Drama, Intellectual History, Political Science, Reception Studies |
Birthe Hoffmann, Brigitte Prutti; Franz Grillparzer, Neue Lektüren und Perspektiven; A. Francke Verlag, 2022 |
Publications, Books, Essays |
19th Century, Austrian, Drama, German, Literature, Reception Studies |
Brigitte Prutti. „#MeToo: Don Cäsar und Lukrezia. Kollateralschäden in Grillparzers Bruderzwist in Habsburg.“ In: Philologie im Netz 90 (2020), pp. 35-86. |
Publications, Essays |
Austrian, Comparative Literature, Drama, German, Literature, Philology |
Wiggins, Ellwood. "The Moral Aesthetic of the Scream: Sophocles' Philoctetes and the Hidden Structure of Lessing's Laokoon." Lessing Yearbook 51 (2004): 51-71. |
Publications, Articles |
18th Century, Aesthetics, Classics, Comparative Literature, Drama, Literature and Other Arts, Reception Studies, Visual Culture |
Ellwood Wiggins, "Enduring Myth: The Survival of the Unfit in Sophocles, Heiner Müller, Ursula Krechel, and Hans Blumenberg," The Germanic Review: Literature, Culture, Theory, 95:2 (2020): 94-113. |
Publications, Essays |
Classics, Comparative Literature, Drama, German, Intellectual History |
Ellwood Wiggins, Odysseys of Recognition: Performing Intersubjectivity in Homer, Aristotle, Shakespere, Goethe, and Kleist (Bucknell UP: Lewisberg, PA, 2019), |
Publications, Books |
18th Century, Classics, Comparative Literature, Drama, Intellectual History, Performance Studies, Philosophy, Reception Studies |
Ellwood Wiggins, "Cold War Compassion: The Politics of Pity in Tom Stoppard’s Neutral Ground and Heiner Müller’s Philoktet," Literatur für Leser, 4-15 (2015): 255-269. |
Publications, Essays |
20th Century, Classics, Comparative Literature, Drama, German, Reception Studies |
Ellwood Wiggins, "Pity Play: Sympathy and Spectatorship in Lessing’s Miss Sara Sampson and Adam Smith’s Theory of Moral Sentiments," in Performing Knowledge, 1750-1850. Ed. Mary Helen Dupree and Sean B. Franzel. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 2015. 85-112. |
Publications, Essays |
18th Century, Aesthetics, Comparative Literature, Drama, Performance Studies, Philosophy |
Hellmut Ammerlahn, “From Haunting Visions to Revealing (Self-) Reflections: The Goethean Hero between Subject and Object,” in: Goethe’s Ghosts. Reading and the Persistence of Literature. Eds. Simon Richter and Richard Block. Rochester, NY: Camden House, 2013, 97-108. |
Publications, Essays |
18th Century, 19th Century, Aesthetics, Drama, German, Literature, Psychology |
Heilmann, Lena. "Performance, Fear, and the Female Body in Sophie Mereau-Brentano's "Die Flucht nach der Hauptstadt" (1806) and Elise Bürger's _Die antike Statue aus Florenz_ (1814)." Women in German Yearbook 29 (2013): 67-80. |
Publications, Essays |
19th Century, Drama, Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies, Performance Studies |
Ellwood Wiggins, “Depicting Artist and Viewer: Performed Aesthetics in Kālidāsa’s Śakuntalā,” The International Journal of the Arts in Society, 6/6 (Sept. 2012): 179-192. |
Publications, Essays |
Aesthetics, Drama, Performance Studies, Visual Arts |
Brigitte Prutti. Grillparzers Welttheater: Modernität und Tradition. Aisthesis Verlag: 2013. |
Publications, Books |
19th Century, Austrian, Drama, Literature |
Ellwood Wiggins, “Depicting Artist and Viewer: Performed Aesthetics in Kālidāsa’s Śakuntalā,” The International Journal of the Arts in Society, 6/6 (Sept. 2012): 179-192. |
Publications, Essays |
Aesthetics, Drama, Literature and Other Arts, Performance Studies, Visual Arts |
Ellwood Wiggins, “Depicting Artist and Viewer: Performed Aesthetics in Kālidāsa’s Śakuntalā,” The International Journal of the Arts in Society, 6/6 (Sept. 2012) 179-192. |
Publications, Essays |
Aesthetics, Drama, Literature and Other Arts, Performance Studies, Visual Arts |
Hellmut Ammerlahn, "‘Key’ and ‘Treasure Chest’ Configurations in Goethe’s Works: A Comparative Overview in Poetological Perspective," in: Monatshefte 101/1 (2009), 1-18. |
Publications, Essays |
18th Century, 19th Century, Comparative Literature, Drama, German, Literature |
Ammerlahn, Hellmut. Aufbau und Krise der Sinn-Gestalt. Tasso und die Prinzessin im Kontext der goetheschen Werke. Bern, Frankfurt/M., New York, Paris, 1990. 173 pages. |
Publications, Books |
18th Century, 19th Century, Aesthetics, Comparative Literature, Drama, German, Literature |