
Author/Title Research Type Related Fields
Groves, Jason. "Low Tide, Black Shoals: Toward Offshore Formations in Celan Studies." The Germanic Review: Literature, Culture, Theory 98.4 (2023): 447-461. Publications, Articles
Bradley, Hannah. 2021. "Rumors of Nature: An Ecotranslation of Ulrike Almut Sandig’s “so habe ich sagen gehört”" Humanities 10, no. 1: 14. Publications
Strata: Newsletter of the American Friends of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation  (winter 2019): 4-5. Publications, Projects
In: Rethinking Nature: Challenging Disciplinary Boundaries. Ed. Aurélie Choné, Isabelle Hajek, and Phillippe Haman. New York: Routledge, 2017. Publications, Essays
"Visionen von Natur vor uns: Alfred Ehrhardt fotographiert und filmt Urformen der Natur." Studian Theodisca (2015). Publications, Essays
"German Ecocriticism and the Environmental Humanities." German Studies review 38 (2015): 635-52. Publications, Essays Publications, Books
Sabine Wilke. German Culture and the Modern Environmental Imagination. Brill Rodopi: 2015 Publications, Books
"Anthropocene Poetics: An Ethics and Aesthetics for a New Geological Age." RCC Perspectives 3 (2013). Publications, Essays
Perspectives 3 (2013) Publications, Essays
Art + Science = Environmental Humanities. Video, 2013. Publications, Film/Video
"Anthropocenic Poetics: Ethics and Aesthetics in a New Geological Age." Rachel Carson Center Perspectives 3 (2013): 67-74. Publications, Essays