Author/Title |
Research Type |
Related Fields |
Brigitte Prutti. „Misanthropie und Monotonie. Zur Einsamkeit im Alter bei Stifter und Grillparzer. In: Einsamkeit und Pilgerschaft. Figurationen und Inszenierungen in der Romantik. Eds. Antje Arnold, Walter Pape and Norbert Wichard. Berlin: de Gruyter, 235-256. |
Publications, Books, Essays |
Austrian, Comparative Linguistics, German, Literature, Romanticism |
Brigitte Prutti. Autorschaft und Interieur: Garp und wie er Grillparzer sah.“ In: Jahrbuch der Grillparzer-Gesellschaft 27 (2017-2018): 150-181. |
Publications, Essays |
Austrian, Comparative Literature, German, Literature, Romanticism |
Strata: Newsletter of the American Friends of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (winter 2019): 4-5. |
Publications, Projects |
19th Century, Culture, Ecocriticism, German, Postcolonial, Romanticism, Social Justice, West European |
Katherine Hirt-St. John. When Machines Play Chopin: Musical Spirit and Automation in Nineteenth-Century German Literature. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2010. |
Publications, Books |
19th Century, German, Literature, Literature and Other Arts, Music, Romanticism |