
Author/Title Research Type Related Fields
Nicole Calian. "'Es träumt mir von einer mir ähnlichen Person.' Lessings Miss Sara Sampson als Antwort auf den physiko-theologischen Diskurs zum Traum." 2013. Publications, Essays
Ellwood Wiggins, trans.  Rüdiger Campe's The Game of Probability: Literature and Calculation from Pascal to Kleist. Stanford University Press: 2013. 504 pp. Publications, Translations
Brigitte Prutti. Grillparzers Welttheater: Modernität und Tradition. Aisthesis Verlag: 2013. Publications, Books
Ellwood Wiggins, “Depicting Artist and Viewer: Performed Aesthetics in Kālidāsa’s Śakuntalā,” The International Journal of the Arts in Society, 6/6 (Sept. 2012): 179-192. Publications, Essays
Ellwood Wiggins, “Depicting Artist and Viewer: Performed Aesthetics in Kālidāsa’s Śakuntalā,” The International Journal of the Arts in Society, 6/6 (Sept. 2012) 179-192. Publications, Essays
Richard Block, Michael DuPlessis. “Betrayal: A Treacherous Subject.” The New Centennial Review (2012): 1-16. Publications, Essays
Richard Block. “The Bloody Price of Adoption: Betrayal and Absolution in Kleist’s “The Foundling.” The New Centennial Review. 2012. 27-52. Publications, Essays
Gunter Hertling. Adalbert Stifters Erzählkunst im Spiegel seines humanistischen Erbes. Weidler Buchverlag: 2012. 136pp. Publications, Books
Sabine Wilke. "New Directions in German Studies." From Kafka to Sebald: Modernism and Narrative Form. Continuum: 2012. Publications, Books
Sabine Wilke, Herbert Uerlings, Iulia-Karin Patrut (Hgg.). "Von der Kolonialfotografie zu Google Earth. Die Rolle des Erhabenen in der postkolonialen Ästhetik." Postkolonialismus und Kanon. Aisthesis Verlag: 2012. Publications, Essays
Sabine Wilke. "How German Is the American West? The Legacy of Caspar David Friedrich’s Visual Poetics in American Landscape Painting." Observation Points: The Visual Poetics of National Parks. Ed. by Thomas Patin. University of Minnesota Press: 2012. Publications, Essays
Brigitte Prutti. AISTHESIS Essay 34. Festzertrümmerungen: Thomas Bernhard und seine Preise. Aisthesis Verlag: 2012. Publications, Books
Eric Ames. Ferocious Reality: Documentary according to Werner Herzog. University of Minnesota Press: 2012. Publications, Books
Richard Gray, Nicholas Halmi, Gary J. Handwerk, Michael A. Rosenthal, and Klaus Vieweg. Inventions of the Imagination Romanticism and Beyond. University of Washington Press: 2011. Publications, Books
Richard Gray, Hamid Tafazoli. Außenraum - Mitraum - Innenraum. External Space - Co-Space - Internal Space: Heterotopien in Kultur und Gesellschaft. Heterotopias in Culture and Society. Aisthesis Verlag: 2011. Publications, Books
Katherine Hirt-St. John. When Machines Play Chopin: Musical Spirit and Automation in Nineteenth-Century German Literature. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2010. Publications, Books
Nicole Calian. "Poesie und Natur. Ein Gespräch./ Poetry and Nature. A Dialogue. Interview with poet and photographer Rosemarie Zens, Berlin." Im Schein der Laterne/Hidden Patterns. Wortort: 2010. 48-53. Publications, Essays
Gunter Hertling. Zwitschen Imagination und Realität: Gottfried Kellers Ästhetische (Un-)Vereinbarkeiten in der Landschafts- und Erzählmalerei seines Grünen Heinrich (II:1879/80). Verlag Könighshausen & Neumann: 2010. Publications, Books
Eric Ames. "Spoofing Herzog and Herzog Spoofing." Transit 6(1). TRANSIT, Department of German, UC Berkeley: 2010. Publications, Essays
Hellmut Ammerlahn, "‘Key’ and ‘Treasure Chest’ Configurations in Goethe’s Works: A Comparative Overview in Poetological Perspective," in: Monatshefte 101/1 (2009), 1-18. Publications, Essays
Nicole Calian. "Review: Physis and Norm. Neue Perspektiven der Anthropologie im 18. Jahrhundert. Hg. Manfred Beetz; Jörn Garber; Heinz Thoma. Wallstein Verlag, (2007)." Monatshefte. 2009. Publications, Essays
Joseph Voyles, Charles Barrack. An Introduction to Proto-Indo-European and the Early Indo-European Languages. Slavica Publishers: 2009. Publications, Books
Eric Ames. Carl Hagenbeck's Empire of Entertainments. University of Washington: 2008. Publications, Books
Nicole Calian. "DIe physische Natur ausgespart? Die Kantische Anthropologie un dihre Auseinandersetzung mit Lavaters Physiognomie." Scientia Poetica (2007): 28-57. Publications, Essays
Hellmut Ammerlahn, "The Marriage of Artist Novel and Bildungsroman. Goethe’s Wilhelm Meister: A Paradigm in Disguise," in: German Life and Letters 59/1 (2006), 25-46. Publications, Essays