
Author/Title Research Type Related Fields
Birthe Hoffmann, Brigitte Prutti; Franz Grillparzer, Neue Lektüren und Perspektiven; A. Francke Verlag, 2022 Publications, Books, Essays
Prutti, Brigitte: Franz Grillparzer: Porträts des Dichters als alter Mann - AISTHESIS VERLAG  Publications, Books
Richard O. Block, Echoes of a Queer Messianic: From Frankenstein to Brokeback Mountain. SUNY Series, Literature ... In Theory: SUNY PRESS, 2018. Publications, Books
Childs, Matthew. "Goethe's Faust and Sorge in the Age of Imperialism and Colonialism." Goethe Yearbook 31, edited by Sarah Vandegrifft Eldridge et al, Boydell & Brewer, 2024, pp. 151–58. Publications, Articles
Ammerlahn, Hellmut. Imagination & Meisterschaft / Mastery. Neue und frühere Goethe-Studien plus Essays on Goethe written in English. KÖNIGSHAUSEN & NEUMANN. 2021. Publications, Books, Essays
 “The Ends of Judaism: Heinrich Heine’s “The Rabbi of Bacherach’ New Centennial Review 14.2,(Winter 2019) 147-67. Publications, Essays
Strata: Newsletter of the American Friends of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation  (winter 2019): 4-5. Publications, Projects
Wiggins, Ellwood. "Reflecting and Performing Selves: The Fate of Recognition in Kleist's Penthesilea." German Studies Review 41, no. 2 (2018): 253-74. Publications, Essays
Unglück und Zerstreuung: Autobiographisches Schreiben bei Franz Grillparzer, Aisthesis, Essay, Bd. 44, 2016  Publications, Essays
Ellwood Wiggins, "Kleist's Four Causes: Narration and Etiology in Das Erdbeben in ChiliMLN 130.3 (2015): 580-606. Publications, Essays
Waldgänge und Waldgänger in Maja Haderlaps Roman Engel des Vergessens. In: Studia theodisca 21 (2014): 85-127.  Publications, Essays
Jane K. Brown. Goethe's Allegories of Identity. University of Pennsylvania Press: 2014. Publications, Books
Hellmut Ammerlahn, “From Haunting Visions to Revealing (Self-) Reflections: The Goethean Hero between Subject and Object,” in: Goethe’s Ghosts. Reading and the Persistence of Literature. Eds. Simon Richter and Richard Block. Rochester, NY: Camden House, 2013, 97-108. Publications, Essays
Heilmann, Lena. "Performance, Fear, and the Female Body in Sophie Mereau-Brentano's "Die Flucht nach der Hauptstadt" (1806) and Elise Bürger's _Die antike Statue aus Florenz_ (1814)." Women in German Yearbook 29 (2013): 67-80. Publications, Essays
Brigitte Prutti. Grillparzers Welttheater: Modernität und Tradition. Aisthesis Verlag: 2013. Publications, Books
Richard Block. “The Bloody Price of Adoption: Betrayal and Absolution in Kleist’s “The Foundling.” The New Centennial Review. 2012. 27-52. Publications, Essays
Gunter Hertling. Adalbert Stifters Erzählkunst im Spiegel seines humanistischen Erbes. Weidler Buchverlag: 2012. 136pp. Publications, Books
Katherine Hirt-St. John. When Machines Play Chopin: Musical Spirit and Automation in Nineteenth-Century German Literature. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2010. Publications, Books
Gunter Hertling. Zwitschen Imagination und Realität: Gottfried Kellers Ästhetische (Un-)Vereinbarkeiten in der Landschafts- und Erzählmalerei seines Grünen Heinrich (II:1879/80). Verlag Könighshausen & Neumann: 2010. Publications, Books
Hellmut Ammerlahn, "‘Key’ and ‘Treasure Chest’ Configurations in Goethe’s Works: A Comparative Overview in Poetological Perspective," in: Monatshefte 101/1 (2009), 1-18. Publications, Essays
Eric Ames. Carl Hagenbeck's Empire of Entertainments. University of Washington: 2008. Publications, Books
Hellmut Ammerlahn, "The Marriage of Artist Novel and Bildungsroman. Goethe’s Wilhelm Meister: A Paradigm in Disguise," in: German Life and Letters 59/1 (2006), 25-46. Publications, Essays
Nicole Calian. "Geschichtsphilosophie aus der Sicht eines Dichters. Zu Heines 'Verschiedenartige Geschichtsauffassung'." Heinrich Heine Jahrbuch. 2005. 26-41. Publications, Essays
Nicole Calian. "Bild-Bildlichkeit, Auge-Perspektive in E.T.A. Hoffmanns Der Sandmann. Der Prozess des Erzählens als Kunstwerdung des inneren Bildes." E.T.A. Hoffmann Jahrbuch (2004): 37-51. Publications, Essays
Hellmut Ammerlahn. Imagination und Wahrheit. Goethes Künstler-Bildungsroman "Wilhelm Meisters Lehrjahre": Struktur, Symbolik, Poetologie  (trl.: Imagination and Truth. Goethe's Bildungsroman and Artist Novel “Wilhelm Meisters Lehrjahre”: Structure, Symbolism, Poetology). Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 2003, hardcover, 448 pp. Publications, Books